It was a pretty neat windstorm. The wind blew constantly all day. The power flickered off a few times, then went off for 2 hours, then on for an hour, then off again til just about midnight. Totally screwed up my day. I ended up unable to complete pretty much anything I tried to start.
Rick got home and we decided to head to Covington to pick up beer and gas for his car. Auburn-Black Diamond road was closed due to a downed tree. We decided to investigate. Turns out a reporter/camera man from Fox news did too. We got some cool shots of the tree blocking the road, laying right over a power/communication line with a neighborhood man chainsawing enough to get his car into his driveway. The Fox news dude decided to interview me cuz I started spouting outage times. Thank goodness he didn't use that footage, I'm sure I looked awful.
We made it to Covington and got our chores done, came home, ate some chicken patty sammiches (cooked on the barbie). Rach, Heather, Hunter and Gage came up for a visit while we ate. As it got dark we pulled out a board game, I got mad cuz I kept getting sent back to start so I pouted and quit playing. Got out a different game, lost at that too but at least I got to play. I just wanna play and sitting in the "start" position, flipping cards and not moving any pieces around the board is not playing.
After Rick went to bed I pulled out the movie "Into the Wild" and Keith and I watched it on my laptop, then switched to Rick's little DVD player. It ended right around midnight and as I was walking out of the shop with a loaf of bread so Keith could have a sandwich since he couldn't nuke anything to eat - the lights came on!
So this morning Rick could continue with his everyday morning routine. Everything back to normal. Maybe I can go back to normal too, I became a bit of a grouch yesterday due to one of those "spinning yer wheels" kinda days where you try to get stuff done and get nowhere.
0 cats hacked up hairballs:
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