Well, since all the excitement over Phil's passing is now behind us, life is back to the same old boring pace. Work, meetings, babysitting, yard work, etc. I'm continuing to complete my remodel from late '05, the finishing touches - hanging pictures, molding & window treatments. I still have to get the cabinets in my laundry room done so I can remove the boxes from ly LR, Kevin is working on that project for me and I've run out of material and have to borrow a vehicle to bring it home, a 4 X 8 sheet of 3/4" thick melamine won't fit in my little car.
Work is VERY busy lately, we've picked up a lot more Boeing work, as did a number of our customers and so all those customers are upping their orders from us to fill their Boeing orders (we subcontract for them). We hired a 3rd "slave" for the back office but because we're also implementing a new Quality system (to be certified for more work) that has increased the work also and she is lightening the load but not by 1/3. So I'm beat every evening and it takes a lot to make me not just plop in the recliner and watch TV every evening.
June is going to be very busy, we have stuff planned almost every wknd. The whole family is going to Ocean Shores for the kite festival. Phil (dearly departed) bought Joe a kite and was planning to take him to the kite festival so we're doing it for him. The next day is our special assembly day and Dane is getting baptized, most of the kids will be there for that. The next wknd is free. Then the wknd of the 16/17 I'm having my new tradition - "Family Day" where we get together for pictures, dinner and gift exchanging. The next day Dane graduates from high school. Then the next wknd is our District Convention. I'll have to get the mowing done during the week, won't be any time to mow on the wknds that month. Then July 18 Dane and I head to Hawaii til the 30th. Lily Lake camping trip is in the middle of August and I think most of the kids and their new families will all come, at least for part of it. The Renaissance faire is in early August, must not forget that. Summer is always so hectic, it's so short here.
That's everything in a nutshell.
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