Yeah, it's been snowy for a week now and I guess if I got up early and drove in it every day I would be more ready to see it gone but those aren't my circumstances. To be honest, I think I didn't mind it too much even when I did have to get up and drive in it daily. I was raised in So Cal and Hawaii and that "good" weather gets just plain boring.
I love all the seasons and this year, having no kids to chase after and being unemployed I can actually enjoy the snow - from the protection of my warm little house, with my electric fireplace. It's started last Friday and is snowing right now, Sunday evening. And it still thrills me.
A year or two ago I got a bird feeder that the birds will actually use and since then I have a birdy party every day. And being an avid photographer with a new DSLR with a long zoom lens (although I'd love an even longer one!) I've been enjoying taking pictures of my new friends. With the variety of birds, squirrels and an occasional bunny I sometimes feel like Snow White.
I've noticed that when the temp drops much below freezing the birdies don't come out. But when it's warm enough and just snowing (not raining) the birdies come out in force. At one point the other day I tiptoed into my bedroom to sneak some shots and found Cookie (my cat) laying by the french doors, enjoying the show herself. The birds were coming in real close, just outside the doors to get out of the snow under the tree and under the eaves. I have a suet block in the near
tree too, to attract them. I saw some red birds that I've never noticed before on the feeder and got pictures of them. They were red house finches, which I've never seen around before. They've probably been here but the red is just brighter with the white background to light them up. Occasionally the nasty starlings would come around and bother everyone, although they do take pretty nice pictures. One of my favorites, the Northern Flicker, a woodpecker cousin, came by too. Then there were the usual chickadees, sparrows, blue jays, squirrels, crows, towhees, cowbirds and juncos. Even a family of bright yellow grosbeaks came by, but they took off before I could get a shot of them.
Ah - the life of the unemployed!
Beauty in the Snow
Point - Counterpoint
I feel I need to blog something regarding a past blog - one of Rick's, that is.
On Friday, December 19, 2008 he had a blog entitled "Snow, Ice, and Radio Announcers" and I feel there is a thought in it that I need to counterpoint:
"Yesterday was a particularly snowy day, prompting a lot of worry-warts to leave work early "so they could make it home". Yeah, yeah... The snow was all of an inch deep, but whatever."
My thoughts on this particular point, since I have a "problem" giving people the benefit of the doubt is that some people are uncomfortable driving on this icy stuff. Even after having done it for a week they may still be apprehensive and have never been very skilled. They may live on a particularly hairy hill that is difficult to traverse under icy or snowy conditions. They may get off after dark, meaning after the slushy roads that existed at 2:30 freeze hard and turn to sheer ice by 4 or 5 PM. When I worked, although I'm not too uncomfortable driving in those conditions I was one of those who got off after dark and, if given the opportunity, I would gladly leave when the roads were still mostly slush. I have a hill to climb and a very icy neighborhood to finally drive through. I do not consider myself a worry-wart. I just prefer to drive under better conditions if given the choice.
"And that - is the rest of the story. Good Day."
Bits and Pieces
I know - here I am again, not blogging for weeks. Well, life has been too interesting in some areas and not interesting enough in others. There are big things taking place in my children's lives that I'm not really free to blog. And then my own life is kind of on hold - my work, my business, my life.
So, to follow the theme of bits and pieces:
Like I said - bits and pieces. I hope that covers everything. Maybe something bigger will jump in my face and lead me to a more interesting blog.