...that I have a blog. My life has just settled down so well into a fairly predictable routine that there's not much to write about. Life without the day-to-day inclusion of my kids and grandkids is much more interesting than living here. Life here has become so predictable that it could almost be described as boring. I know - bored?!?!?! in Hawaii?!?!?
Well, the house is finished. With the help of my fun buddy Robert we got all the drywall mudded taped and painted, moldings hung and walls sealed. The critter population inside the house has dropped to nearly zilch. Now I find myself having to be motivated to do more work since the necessities are done. Now I'm into the "projects". I just made some nest boxes under the house for the chickens to lay in should they decide to use them. I have to clean up the banana patch and do lots of other yard work (which is pretty grueling in the summer sun/heat). The folks want to continue on their raised garden project but the jungle has to be whacked back first.
I do have a nice social life, thankfully, since if I didn't I'd probably be pretty anxious to get home. But I have a single friend that shares my need for company. And then we have a few couples that always include us. At a recent time at a Mexican Train game at a posh hotel in Princeville one of the friends said that we're a clique. I guess that's about right. We do all associate with others too, though. I feel free to drop in on my friends, married or not, here on Kauai. The island lifestyle is much slower and relaxed so a drop in is usually welcome.
I don't have an income but my friends are all aware of my financial need and find little things for me to do for a few bucks here and there. I gave one some computer lessons. I do house-sitting. I sell my photos. Whatever.
A couple weeks back my 8th grand baby came into the world. Colson Thomas Vanderville was born to Dane and Chelsea in Arizona. Only the 2nd birth I missed, Shayne came early while I was visiting here 9 years ago. But Rach and I are planning a trip to see the new family member in October, already got tickets. I'll be visiting Auburn then so we'll just cram a quick trip in while I'm already there.
This week back home our family kitty of 17 years finally died. I'm sorry it fell on Keith's shoulders to take care of it. Thankfully I have 2 kids right on my street to go over and help him out. We're all gonna miss our sweet Cookie but she had a spoiled 18 years of life. I even held back from allowing any other cats into our home because of her tendency to be a victim. But now Keith is welcome to adopt a new kitty or two.
A fun thing I've been included in is being a tour guide and photographer for my friends' friends that come to visit. It seem I know our island better than my friends and enjoy the opportunity to shoot more of its beauty while I'm out on these ventures. Sometimes I get paid for my pictures of those friends. Something I could do as a business, hmmm.
My life is also involving spiritual activities moreso than it used to. That's a good thing. I'm getting out in service more, doing parts at meetings and helping with hall cleaning, etc. I even got on the list to do the cart work regularly! I get to sit beside a bike trail on the beach and smile and say hi to passers-by! What a workout!
It's not like nothing around here has happened. We lost a brother in March and he was put on ice til the family could all come over from Niihau about 3 weeks later. Then he was in an open casket. He looked awful. But Dad gave the talk and Eugene (the deceased's brother and dad's bible study) got to read out of the Hawaiian bible. There were so many pure Niihau Hawaiians, and they were like brick walls, they were huge! We had a new baby born, a newly married couple in the congregation and now have a new engaged couple. So lots of stuff going on but no one knows any of these people so the news in unimportant.
Mom's cat, Mr Cat I guess his name is, caught a bird recently and we all got on him, saved the bird and I thumped his nose. I think he now understands that we don't want those gifts any more. Instead now he's bringing in dead rats at night and leaving them in the middle of the kitchen floor. Dad then steps on them when he walks through the kitchen to go to the bathroom.
Mom got the cataracts removed from both eyes finally. She says she sees better than she's seen in years. When the latest eye heals she may not need glasses, at least not for now. Her health has sure turned for the better. Since their surgeries last fall they're both doing so well.
So I'll try to blog the big things. Maybe some interesting pictures. Maybe I'll make one about our beach antics. I actually got to try paddle boarding! I should share that! maybe...
No, I haven't forgotten...
daily events