I promised Sarah an autumn photo shoot a couple weeks back and began to look around for what's out there to shoot.
One place I saw was Kerry Park on Queen Anne hill in Seattle. You get awesome shots of the "World Famous Seattle Skyline" from this park so I've had a hankerin' to go!
But last weekend was rainy and miserable. So since this weekend was to be dry we set our sights on that there hill.
Sarah, in the meantime, got an invite to go with some friends from her dorm. So we all headed into the big city, but separately.
As we were navigating the Seattle streets I spotted the Olympic Sculpture Park, a newish attraction on the waterfront built in like 3 levels and part of the Seattle Art Museum.
We fed the parking meter (YOU try to figure out how to display that stupid new parking receipt the centralized meter feeds you!) and explored. We only planned to be there for 30 minutes originally but ended up staying for over an hour, it's 9 acres with all kinds of odd things to photograph.
On our way back to the car we took a side trip into the Old Spaghetti Factory to use the restroom and I found out Rick has never been there! And he considers himself a LOCAL?!?!
At last we found the Kerry Park we originally headed out to see. We texted Sarah that we were there so we could let them know how to get there, so they could meet us, but they were busy eating burgers at Dick's. So we got lots of shots, walked up and down the street getting all kind of interesting stuff, it's a very colorful old neighborhood. But it was breezy and COLD!
We decided to head to a nearby marina for some boat shots but had a hard time finding the right turn to take to actually get to the marina. So we opted to just head to Discovery Park in the Magnolia district since we were right there anyway.
We found a veteran's cemetery with all the little matching headstones in nearly symmetrical rows and autumn leaves strewn about (aboot, eh?).
We then drove up and down little streets to see what we could see and finally ended up at the Indian Center located in the park. The views of the Sound from that spot were not picture-worthy but we found interesting artwork inside the Cultural Center.
I was hoping to be able to get some shots of the lighthouse in that area but (1) it's under reconstruction and (2) it was like a 1.5 - 2 mile roundtrip hike.
Since we both had only had breakfast and it was now about 4 PM we started hunting for a food joint and ended up patronizing a little hole-in-the-wall in the Belltown area, the Frontier Room. The food was good, service was good, and they had free wifi. But the best thing about the whole place is actually their website - check it out!
Oh yeah, we actually started the day by running to an apartment to pick up a computer for Denny and Heather. So when we got home we not only had our pictures to share, upload and play with, we had a new computer to set up! Double fun! Where do we start?
I was so psyched about our fun day that I had a hard time going to sleep. What's that saying about simple pleasures?
Photo Geeks Run Amok!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
1 cats hacked up hairballs:
What a very cool blog, what a very cool day!! The last time I was at the Spaghetti Factory, my water broke and Stephanie was on her way!! Let's see...that was ummmm 36 years ago! But hey, at least I've been there!
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