That became our mantra while on Kauai.
The mantra began when, last year, Rick noticed so many mustangs being rented by the tourists, and many of them convertibles. It begins to be funny once you notice, in tourist areas it's like nearly every third car is a mustang!
This year I had a different partner for my annual trip to work on my parents' house on Kauai - my "darter", Rachyl! And being that this was her first trip I got to be tour guide once again! Yay! When I go just to work I don't get to enjoy the island, but a partner is an good excuse for a few lazy days.
So after our arrival, our lunch at Costco with the folks, picking up supplies at Walmart and Safeway we hung around the house for most of the rest of the day. Nearer sunset I became antsy and decided Rach and I should check out a couple local sights. So we drove into Kilauea to check out the lighthouse overlook and then a quick trip to a new favorite of mine, Kahili beach. By the time we walked down to the water Rach was pretty much worn out so we went back to the folks' and vegged.
Rach was there for a total of 9 1/2 days and we managed to fit a lot into those days. We had a nice time, although the heat was extreme, it's the hottest year I've experienced since my first visit back on '04. Poor Rach learned about life in Hawaii in some of the worst weather conditions! Fortunately our car had really good air conditioning and the folks even turned on their AC from time to time.
Most of the sights were repeats of those I've seen in the past but whenever possible we did something slightly different. Like Polihale Beach. Instead of turning right at the big tree, we headed left toward the Queen's pond. It's a a shallow pond with a sandy bottom surrounded by a protective reef, the only safe place to swim in that stretch of beach. We had planned to watch the sun set there at Polihale, like I've done a couple times before. But we got there a little early, ate our dinner and had to turn away from the water so as to not get blasted by the sun as it was going down. It wasn't very enjoyable, so we got back in the car and headed back toward civilization. We were driving along the highway and noticed a truck turn down a dirt road toward the ocean so I pulled over to see what was out there. There were a few cars and a big tent, it was an unmarked beach park. So I flipped a quick yooey (sp?) and we parked. There was a group of young folks doing some jumping photos, they seemed to be having fun. We walked down the beach past them and waited for the sunset, which would be much sooner since we killed some time driving. It turned out to be an amazing place to shoot one of the most perfect sunsets I've seen on Kauai. There were just enough clouds and Lehua Island, off the coast of Niihau, was the perfect subject to have in the foreground! Thanks for mixing things up Rach, it was perfect!
One afternoon we tried to get a parking spot in Princeville to go to the Queen's bath (apparently Queen Emma liked the water...) and found the 10 or so parking spots filled and at least 3 cars just waiting for a spot to open up. So I decided we could come back another day, earlier in the day so as to possibly find parking easier. So that's what we did and it turned out to be - by far - the BESTEST visit I've ever had there! We parked (a huge feat in and of itself!), the lava rocks we had to walk over were not sizzling, the pond was clear, warm and nearly devoid of visitors! After we got our fill of snorkeling and fish viewing we sat for a while and watched the sea turtles a few yards down the rocks toward the trail.
Mom's chicken gang is healthier, happier and more beautiful than I've ever seen and her tomcat, NMC (not my cat) or Chester or Ono or She (since mom insists on calling him a her) was at least as lovable as last year, if not moreso. He made a bird mess nearly daily, thank goodness the dove supply appears to be virtually endless.
We saw so much: Makauwahi cave, Shipwreck beach, Ke'e beach, Waimea pier, Waimea canyon, Kalalau valley, Opaekaa and Wailua falls, Salt Pond beach, Ahukini pier, Ninini and Kilauea lighthouses, Hanalei Bay & pier, the park at the end of Kuamoo Road. We ate lunch, sat in the water and watched the oama fishers at Anini Beach, watched the sun rise at Aliiomanu park and went to the Smith's Luau. We had a breakfast at Kountry Kitchen and a dinner at Hanalei Gourmet. And had our traditional dinner at Duke's on Rach's last day...
We did manage to squeeze in some work at the folks' house. We got the supplies for a bookshelf, mudded, taped, painted the wall behind it, then built, installed and filled it. It came out beautiful and now they want them built all over that whole wall! We also cleaned up the garden on the front of their house. After Rach left I had a couple large projects and lots of little ones. I set up an outdoor sink, table and cabinet for mom to be able to work at while seated and on the cool side of the house, so cleaning and bottling their noni juice will be easier. And there was a new desk for dad waiting to be put in place and the completion of the corner where the bookshelf went so well that I suggested that, while we were tearing up dad's corner anyway, maybe I could get the drywall hung, mudded, taped and painted all simultaneously. It really displaced dad for a few days but I think, in the long run, he's happy we got it done. Now he has the nicest spot in the house!