So I was shooting my picture of the day (subject: hats) and Hunter showed up so I decided to put him to work. I was running back and forth setting things up and had him clicking my remote to take the picture. He really got into it. But to start at the beginning, I have to go back into the back bedroom.
So I went into the back bedroom to get the remote and Hunter followed me. He spotted my black stuffed piggy on the bed and decided that "Max" was gonna be in some shots. So he carried him outside and left him on the deck until I was done with my project.
Then Hunter took charge.
He picked Max up and parked him on a rock in my woodland garden, went back to our pile of hats and picked out Keith's fedora and fixed Max up. I took a couple snaps and Hunter was ready for the next pose. Max was on a swing next, in the same fedora.
Hunter had already been eyeing the concrete bench outside my bedroom doors so Max posed there next. Then back to the swingset, on the slide this time. Then on a flowerpot. Then on a ladder. I had to stop him from parking that piggy on the very top, I couldn't shoot that high! Onto the hot tub! Back to the swingset! He was checking out the nasty chicken coop and I suggested Max sit on a washtub in front of the coop instead.
Here you go Hunter!
0 cats hacked up hairballs:
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