Not much to say about the I-5 corridor between SoCal and Washington. I guess if you haven't done it over and over it may seem interesting but to those of us who've done it too many times - ughh! I really shouldn't complain though, to be honest.
I was in a great rig for driving that long haul. My uncle had a 12 passenger aka 1 ton Chevy van that I brought home so I didn't have to rent something, so I could bring whatever I wanted home and so I could take more time to sell it and get a little more money than if we'd sold it in a hurry down in California. It has a lot of power and is tall and imposing. I drove aggressively, moreso than normal. Maybe the power of the big van got to me. I was on a mission. I got in the fast lane and pulled right up on the butt of anyone in my way. Everyone moved over for that big vehicle, less about 2 cars the whole trip. It did get only about 15 MPG though.
I drove through to 8 PM when I hit Redding and was getting weary again. I knew I had mountain roads ahead and then Oregon with the worst I-5 roads on the trip. So I stopped and settled into the Super 8 motel.
It had everything I needed without even having to ask. It only lacked in the area of their continental breakfast. It was the slimmest of all the breakfasts I've enjoyed this month on my trip with Rick, just donuts, cereal and things you toast. But I ate what I needed and hit the road.
Not really anything to report about the drive. One accident at I-5 and highway 14 to the Mojave Desert, a little fog just over the grapevine and the usual grey and drizzle once I got halfway through Oregon. There was a little traffic nearing Portland. But nothing to really compain about. Overall an easy (boring) drive.
I was sure glad to get home but knowing that my kids would expect stuff from me immediately I warned them that I would spend my first night home at Rick's, it's my sanctuary, my hiding place from the kids. He had his mannequin "Mona" holding a "Welcome home, Suzie" sign, the goof.
It was great to just veg, have someone feed me and just sleep as long as I wanted on a real bed.
Mmmm. Zzzz.
That Long I-5 Drive
Sunday, November 30, 2008
0 cats hacked up hairballs:
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