A Day with Joe

Time for a new blog. How about an afternoon with a 3 year old? Surely there's something to blog about!

Rachyl typically babysits both of Kevin's boys on Saturdays but this weekend she decided she wanted to go visit a friend overnight (she lives about 3 hours north of here). So she asked Denny and Heather to watch Shayne since he and Hunter play well together. And I'm usually always available to watch Joe. He's potty trained and a pretty good kid...... But he is 3.

Rick and I hadn't figured out what we wanted to do and once we threw Joe into the picture we had to consider that aspect of our outing. So we decided to hit the big Downtown Seattle Goodwill store and then who knows from there.

We had a great time in Goodwill. Joe sat nicely in the cart and we hit the toys first. We picked one toy for each grandson and Joe got to hang on to all of them. Then I was free to continue with my shopping, Joe was occupied. It's nice to see how much Joe has grown attached to Rick. He was continually looking for him, calling for him and spotting him.

Next Rick decided to treat us to a Seattle landmark which, even having been here for over 20 years I hadn't personally visited as yet. We feasted on some good ole simple Dick's burgers on Capitol Hill. It was a beautiful, although cold, sunny day and there was plenty of activity in that colorful area of town.

From there he treated us to another area landmark which I hadn't seen in all these years of being a Seattleite. This is where the 3 year old got busy. We went to Archie McPhee's. It's one of those stores full of gags, party items and all sorts of weirdness. Joe just went crazy, running from this place to that, calling "Rick! Rick!" or "Gramma! Gramma!", wanting to be picked up and allowed to see just about everything in both buildings! Thankfully, since Rick has been there numerous times he voluntarily kept up with Joe and allowed me to peruse in peace. Thanks "Grampa Rick!"

Finally we tried to go to a park and let Joe do some playing on swings and slides. Unfortunately though, Rick picked an extremely popular park, Greenlake, in Seattle, and we couldn't find a parking place. On the other hand, it was probably a good thing because the playground was fairly overparked as well.

All in all a nice day playing grandparents to a very typically energetic 3 year old.

0 cats hacked up hairballs:

About Me

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After 2 unsuccessful marriages I spent 12 years as a divorcee, only to fall prey to another man's wiles. We had a fun 5 years together and then he decided he wanted more freedom so once again I'm single.

So I'm freshly divorced at 57 and have 5 great kids and now 7 grandkids. My kids are still a major part of my life but I'm busy helping my aging parents on Kauai.

I've lived in California, Hawaii and Oklahoma before finally settling here in Washington. I love Washington and come back to visit family, friends and take care of my garden often but will be temporarily a resident of Kauai.

I've moved 30 times in my life (no, my parents weren't in the service, at least not since I was about 2) and finally planted roots when I got my little house that I've owned since '91.

My family are Jehovah's Witnesses, I've been one since '72.