Well, it's been a couple weeks now since everyone received their invitations and it seems - They're a hit! (click on the picture to enlarge, as usual)
For any who want to know, I'll share here how I made them. I got the instructions on the internet (duh) but, of course, needed to do some tweaking. Overall, it's a very simple process, but containing many steps. Here they are:
1 - Print the invitations with a laser printer (laser ink won't run, inkjet will)
2 - Cut them into individual documents, I made 2 per page
3 - Crumple them thoroughly
4 - Tear the edges
5 - Lay flat in a shallow bake pan
6 - Pour in coffee just to cover completely, I wet one side & flipped to assure complete coverage
7 - Sprinkle on some instant coffee granules
8 - After soaking and the instant granules have "blossomed" pour off coffee and blot with a paper towel. If you've used a very small amount of coffee you can blot off all excess and the instant coffee spots will remain behind better.
9 - Dry in a low temp oven - 150 - 200º
10 - Iron flat if desired
There, not difficult, just tedious. But, after getting everyone's reaction, it sounds like it was well worth the work. . . . . . . . . I just hope the rest of the wedding goes over as well.
Rennaisance Wedding Invitations
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
0 cats hacked up hairballs:
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