Well, the big day has come and gone now. But what a day it was!
It was a cool and drizzly morning that put a hold on getting things prepared in the order planned. It also changed a lot of how things were to flow. So some things got done not according to plan and some things got completely forgot. But neither of those scenarios was apparent to anyone but me so - to everyone else it was great. The food ended up coming out a little late, due to decorations going out late, due to drizzle stopping us from decorating early. The decorating didn't start until about 2 - 2:30, the officiate showed up about 3, as well as Rick and his parents.
While Rach was finishing up the bouquet, sitting at the computer, using the instructions found online, and I was finishing up the cake, Shirl, Heather, Kevin, Denny and Kathy (and maybe my brother's family, I'm not sure, I was preoccupied) were throwing around tulle, laying table runners and setting up candelabras. Rick's mother asked to help so she came in and ripped up the fresh-out-of-the-oven turkey.
We were finally ready to get dressed. Shirley had previously come over twice, first to do my makeup, then to do my hair. At first my makeup kinda scared me but once I took the mirror outside, where I was spending the day, I found that it looked great! False eyelashes and all. I think she was pleasantly surprised when I told her that I wanted tall hair, including the use of "bumpits" since my hair doesn't tease well. She did a fabulous job making this 52-year-old look like a beautiful bride.
A side note: a lot of the women at the wedding complimented my cleavage (men wouldn't dare). I always commented the same way - "it took a lot of work." (a bra, corset and "enhancements")
The ceremony went well, the officiate was perfect, the crowd was just the right size, the weather dried out. Everyone had a great time, the place looked great, the music worked well. There was really nothing to complain about. The only thing Rick came up with was the absentees - they missed out on a fun wedding.
One disappointing thing that happened - Heather's zipper in her dress broke while she was getting dressed so she, Shirley, Kevin and Denny all missed the actual ceremony. Oops!
We had a chocolate wedding cake and a small groom's cake sporting a whimsical groom dragging the bride. The guests signed "parchment" guest sheets using a real quill pen and green ink. Our mannequin, Mona, greeted everyone at the street in her own medieval costume. 21 out of approx 33 guests came in costume and the others dressed nicely casual. We danced a short jig. The girls in the family spun in pretty dresses. The 9-year-old niece took the prize winning picture. The groom's family all wore "Hello - my name is" labels with Joe Clark written on them. My granddoggy also wore a name badge on his rump - "Gage (crowd control)". The grandsons kept their costumes and even hats on. All good things.
After most left, leaving only close family, Denny started a fire in the campfire ring out back and we sat around it talking, laughing and drinking until midnight. We were bonding with our out-of-town relatives.
When the family finally left Rick had to help me undo some of my wedding gear. Specifically, my hair was pinned and glued into a single unit and I had a lacing in the back of my dress that had to be removed to be able to unzip it. We sat there reveling in the success of our wedding day while he helped me with those things.
In the morning we put on our robes and slippers and went out with our coffee and cameras to take some shots of the aftermath.
That was one great party (oh, yeah, the wedding too!)
The Big Event
Monday, June 15, 2009
1 cats hacked up hairballs:
Aye m'lady, 'twas a hoot indeed!
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