Before I get into this blog it's been brought to my attention that my blogs are not to my usual standard. Sorry, probably not, but at this point I'm just mainly trying to get things down before I forget the details. Once this blogfest is done I should be back to my old blogger self. Please forgive the slip in quality.
Mark’s teenage daughter, Celeste, is a typical teen, interested in the latest heart throb, Edward, from the movie Twilight. That movie is based on a book set in the Washington town of Forks on the Olympic Peninsula. It was filmed in Oregon so none of the buildings are those in the movie. When I heard they wanted to go visit Forks I was surprised because Forks is a nothing town.But Forks having their 15 minutes of fame and most of the town has jumped on the Twilight bandwagon so it’s kind of fun.
The trip included a ferry ride which I always enjoy and Kathy told me was a highlight of her trip 20 years ago. We could actually have driven around and skipped the ferry but it’s another Seattle attraction within their budget. Some of the family has problems with motion sickness but the ferry is large enough that it didn’t affect them.
First thing after we docked we hunted down a McD’s for breakfast. Then we hit the road again, the kids all slept most of the way and we 4 adults yakked and yakked. It was a very bonding trip.
The first thing when we hit the town was the welcome sign and there was even a little reference to the movie right there. Then there was a motel with “Edward Cullen didn’t sleep here” on it’s marquee.
Driving into town we saw more and more Twilight references everywhere so we decided to find the visitor center to get specific information. They had maps to all the fictional whereabouts and hangouts of the main characters, Edward and Bella, so, like a scavenger hunt, we wandered around and got pictures of all the sights; Edward’s home, Bella’s home, school, etc.
There were a couple stores filled with nothing but Twilight merchandise so the kids picked out a few things. Among them was a stuffed wolf for Markie. He carried that wolfie around and played with it constantly, they were inseparable.
One of the final Twilight spots was First Beach in LaPush,
a small Indian community on the coast. I had wanted to take them on a short hike to Second Beach but we made a wrong turn and ended up 10 miles or so the wrong way, in Kalaloch and therefore lost the time it would have taken to make that walk. I think Second Beach is far superior to First in beauty. But we got to enjoy watching the kids play in the water while we did some beachcombing. There were seals in the water and bald eagles to view as well.
Our drive back to the ferry was confusing, we were following the directions the Tom Tom GPS was giving us and it seemed to be leading us to the Bainbridge Island ferry instead. But we finally made it home about 10:30.
That makes 2 long days in a row! I wonder what my new husband thinks about all this!
Twilight in Forks
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
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