Well, I just tucked my nearly sick new hubby in bed, he's had a hard week and today finally started showing symptoms of a cold settling in. But he doesn't feel that it'll be a bad one. Good thing, our weekend is upon us.
At least we have no plans for this weekend. We were quite busy last weekend and next weekend we're planning to attempt a camping trip at our old fav camping spot, Lily lake. So he can afford to be sick this weekend, good timing.
Last Friday night we went to the Emerald Queen Casino to see Los Lonely Boys play. It was a good concert. It wasn't very long, no opening act, the seats were all on flat ground, no rise, so seeing wasn't too easy. We had to walk through about 5 smokey casinos to get all the way to the back, where the show was. But it was good nonetheless. These are 3 Hispanic brothers, Jojo, Henry and the drummer is Ringo (yeah, his real name - from birth, he's a junior even!) Garza and they are very good at what they do.
Then on Saturday we attended the annual Renaissance Faire. Well, nearly annual. Last year it was canceled due to no place to have it. They left their old spot in Purdy to move to Belfair. I don't recall the reason for the move but apparently things weren't done correctly because the whole thing had to be canceled.
This year I guess they still don't have everything cleared up at the new location so they opted to have it in a temporary place. And it's a lot closer to home, in Buckley. But the location left a lot to be desired, especially in comparison with the last place. The old place was grassy, meandering, trees, a brook and a bridge with a troll! The combination was magical. This place offered nothing similar. There were gravel roads that were large, 1.5 to 2 inch gravel! Hard to walk on. Where there was no gravel there was lots of dust. But there were lots of vendors and acts. And tons of costumes. I think the day we went there were 2/3 costumed and only 1/3 not in costume, that's a pretty good ratio.
I found someone I could see was part of the regular renfaire circuit and asked about the troll. He said "Karl the Troll? He died a couple years back." I was so distraught, he was a big part of the Faire! I searched around and found a picture erected in his memory, it looks like his old bridge at the Purdy location, he used to hide below the bridge and try to grab people's feet. If he scared someone he gave them a tootsie roll!
Rick's daughter, Sarah, and her boyfriend, Sopha, got here fairly early. Sopha was particularly concerned about his costume. It consisted of short gold velvet pants and a black ruffled shirt! I'd be concerned too! But I started rummaging through some of Keith's stuff and found him a belt with a dagger attached and a felt hat with feathers. I think he ended up looking the best of all of us.
As soon as we were all ready we headed to Denny's for breakfast - a tradition I started with Dane and Keith. Turns out one of Rick's coworkers (one of my former coworkers) was there and saw us all parade in in our costumery.The weather was perfect, cloudy, cool, not cold, no rain. Lots of costumes. The horseback acrobatic and juggling act was very good. We stayed for about 3.5 hours and left only because we'd seen all there was to see. We ran into another coworker there, Scott, my former slave-driver.
So nothing going on this weekend, we'll probably just work on the shop some more, a big job.
Oh yeah, when Rick went to get a good shot of a pirate he got spammed - he got handed an invitation to a Portland Pirate Festival next month. Heck yah we're going! It's fun to dress up! And say "Arrhh!" all day.
Last Weekend
Friday, August 14, 2009
0 cats hacked up hairballs:
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