It must have been 3 years ago now that we had major rainfall and flooding, portions of I-5 were submerged and they were showing flooded communities on the national news. Rivers changed course and wilderness camping and picnic areas were obliterated. Last winter we also had above average rainfall in November, I believe it was.
So summer of '06 or '07 Keith was going to Lily Lake with his dad and found the road closed and the small river going over the road just past the gate. They had to find an alternate camping spot. It may have been that same year that we went to a pretty area near Chelan, Antilon Lake, I blogged that at the time. It was a nice spot and compared somewhat to Lily Lake but is a 4 hour drive, LL is only 2 hours.
Last year Rick and I drove the Harley out to the gate to check things out. Keith and his dad hiked in to the lake. The gate is about 2 miles from the trailhead to LL. The kids were determined to get there so they brainstormed an idea to take Denny's quad to get us from the gate to the trailhead. So it's really only adding one extra leg to the excursion. But it eliminates the possibility of taking the paddle boat. Back to rafts, our original means of lake exploration.
So we're mostly packed, just waiting for a call from the mechanic to go pick up the quad. Then the adventure begins. Rach, Dane, Keith, Hunter, Gage and I will go today and take just about everything. Then tomorrow morning Kevin and his family will bring a second quad and their stuff. Tomorrow evening Denny will bring the rest of his family, his little brother-in-law TJ and Rick.
This should be exciting!
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