This weekend, the first of spring, began with a bang! Saturday was an in-your-face gorgeous day. We didn't let it go to waste. We went to the mountains and went cemetery visiting! Woo hoo!
Well, we saw a lot more than the cemeteries, which I will blog later in the week. Here's a sample of another item we saw in a large degree in the small towns of Roslyn and nearby Ronald, 2 old coal mining towns just over the Snoqualmie Pass, about 80 miles east of here.
These gray, bare wood old homesteads were everywhere and are another of our favorite things to photograph. This one I call "Set a Spell", you know "take yer shoes off - y'all come back now, y' hear?"
I have more of my shots from this weekend in our smugmug gallery already, check it out here!
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