Picture of the Week

OK, well, I already posted my choice for my Picture of the Week but I'm gonna post it again anyway, and I'll post the original in a small format just below it so you can see the before and after. I tweak most of my pictures, some more than others and I just want everyone to see some of the junk that I have to start out with.
I was driving when I shot the picture so there's some motion blur. Tony's jeep is right behind the shot of Keith's car and ruins the overall shape of Keith's car, so it had to be eliminated. Then the tracks left by Tony's car had to go since there appears to be no car to make them. The biggest problem was the blur. So I put it into a filter that does, among other things, a "smooth" if desired. Desired. Much better! Cloned out Tony's jeep and the tire tracks and added a slight vignette and voila! A picture I LOVE!!!

0 cats hacked up hairballs:

About Me

My photo
After 2 unsuccessful marriages I spent 12 years as a divorcee, only to fall prey to another man's wiles. We had a fun 5 years together and then he decided he wanted more freedom so once again I'm single.

So I'm freshly divorced at 57 and have 5 great kids and now 7 grandkids. My kids are still a major part of my life but I'm busy helping my aging parents on Kauai.

I've lived in California, Hawaii and Oklahoma before finally settling here in Washington. I love Washington and come back to visit family, friends and take care of my garden often but will be temporarily a resident of Kauai.

I've moved 30 times in my life (no, my parents weren't in the service, at least not since I was about 2) and finally planted roots when I got my little house that I've owned since '91.

My family are Jehovah's Witnesses, I've been one since '72.